Loving Revision and a prompt

Blank white screen. That his how I began this next draft of my “completed” novel. Feeling compelled to make this partially articulated thing–this story egg–into a wonderful thing with arms and legs and lips and breath and a heart that beats, also armed with what I know, what has been suggested and advised, I began anew.
The body metaphor above speaks to how I’m approaching this draft. The story, like a body, will be greatest if like a good lover, I live in each moment of the story as it unfolds without focus on climax or resolution. I’m going to love every episode until this bag-o-bones fills its lungs and stands alive and howling.

Prompt: Write a sex scene.

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Some past posts to keep you making time: 
Adjust your pace accordingly.
It’s about the routine and how you shake up the routine
There are things you will have to give up
See it to achieve it
Washing the dishes
Write slowly
A celebration of the pause
Monday, a run through the driving rain
Zen accident
Get out of your comfort zone